Welcome to the 1999 I.D. Magazine Interactive Media Design Review CD-ROM.
Copy the I.D. Interactive Review 1999 folder to your hard drive.
If you do not have QuickTime installed, run the installer located in the QuickTime Installer folder.
Using a Web browser:
A feature in this year's CD-ROM is the ability to open a winner's Web site from within the Winners section of the CD-ROM. To use this feature you should make sure that you have a connection to the Internet, or that your browser is configured to connect automatically if instructed to open a Web page.
As an alternative to opening a winner's Web site from within the program, you may choose to open the "Bookmarks for 1999 Winners" file included on the CD, to access all of the winners Web pages.
Many of the sites presented in this year's disk use advanced features; we recommend that you use either Netscape 4.0 or later, or Internet Explorer 4.0 or later. We also recommend that you have Macromedia's Shockwave installed in your browser's plug-in folder.
Navigation in the I.D. Interactive Media Winners CD:
Choose a winner from the list on the right.
Click on the face of a juror if you wish to hear their comments. Any juror who has a comment about that particular project will have a blue box surrounding their icon.
Click on Demo to launch a local demonstration of the project. Some demos are just slide shows, others are interactive presentations. To exit andy demo, press the Q key on your keyboard.
Click on Website to open the full project in your web browser. Click on Credits to see a listing of the people involved in the project.
There are only demos for Gold and Silver winners, and only web site links to some of the winners. The Demo and Website buttons will be bright or dim to indicate when something is available.
You can quit the program by either typing "Command Q" or by clicking on the Quit button at the bottom right of the screen.
Performance tips:
After visiting a Web page from within the I.D. Interactive Media Winners program, you should close the page you were looking at to avoid excessive background processing when you are back in the menu program.
Keyboard shortcuts:
1-9 keys set the volume of the juror comments and background music. We recommend that you use external speakers or headphones that have their own volume control. Many of the demos on the disk take control of the sound, and may set it to a much louder setting than it was inside the menu program.